Spicy Mango Salad

March 12, 2011 § Leave a comment

Somehow the theme today has been ‘yellow’ – a happy, bright and cheerful yellow.  A reminder that spring is around the corner. I picked up the yellow roses that you see in the picture on the left from the store today morning and they looked so pretty in a bowl on the window sill that I just had to post a picture… don’t they look pretty?


One of the Thai restaurants that we frequently go to has a delicious spicy mango salad on their menu. This salad is drawn from that. The salad dressing is a mixture of chopped green chilies, honey and vinegar… yes, regular vinegar.  And, of course salt. I used 1 green chili, 2 tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of vinegar. This is pretty spicy, so adjust to taste.IMG_3321

Make the salad dressing first and set it aside before chopping the rest of the ingredients – that will give the chilies, vinegar and honey a little time to get to know each other. Then, peel and chop the mangoes. Firm mangoes which are not fully ripe, but just a pale yellow works best here.


Slice the mango into strips. Add a few slices of red onions followed by some cleaned and washed arugula.


Toss with the dressing. Add roasted cashew nuts, and dig in :)IMG_3356

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